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Julia Tutwiler Library: Request ILL

Request Interlibrary Loan

ILL Request
This service is limited to currently enrolled students, staff, and faculty of UWA.
Complete information is necessary to process your request. 
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.
Pressing Enter will automatically submit an incomplete form.

*Have you checked to verify that the Library does not own this material and it is not available in the Julia Tutwiler Library?






*Status: faculty staff graduate student  undergraduate student   

Department (if applies):  


*Full mailing address:

*City, State, Zip: (must be included for off campus addresses)

*We make every attempt to fill your request with reciprocal lenders free of charge. If the materials can not be obtained through a reciprocal lender there may be a charge. If there is a charge, please list the MAXIMUM amount you are willing to pay:

You are responsible for all charges incurred once you submit the request.

Title (Book or Journal):

*Date:  If applicable: Issue number: Volume: Page(s):


If applicable: Article Title :

Other information, if available, ISSN, LCCN, ISBN numbers:

DOI, URL or Citation: 

Notes or additional comments:


After clicking the "Submit" button your request will be delivered to the Interlibrary Loan Department and you will be directed to a Confirmation Page.

By entering an ILL request you are agreeing to abide by current copyright and present UWA Julia Tutwiler Library ILL policies.

If you have any questions concerning your ILL materials or the ILL process, please contact the ILL department.


Interlibrary Loan, Julia Tutwiler Library
Office Phone 205-652-3677
Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday

Interlibrary Loan Services Home Page